Our Pastor
Senior Pastor of Church
“Engaging God's world through faith”
For I am convinced that neither angels nor demons, neither death nor life, neither the present nor the future, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God.
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Connecting People to Jesus and One Other
Daily Mass Readings
From 8 AM to 10 AM
Sunday Sacrament
From 6 AM to 11 AM
Daily Confession
From 10 AM to 12 AM
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About us
The Agape Christian Ministries was founded 7th August, 1988 and held her first service same day with two families as first members. Prior to this...
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We welcome visitors at our church and would love to have you join us in church for this life changing programs
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The branch church encourages members to use their gifts in the various ministries for the church and one of the teachings the branch leadership...
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Sermons Helps to Growing Your Faith
Love thy Neighbour, as yourself

What Must I Do To Be Save